
VHF sources by time detected in real-time by SAETTA on a large domain centralized on the island of Corsica.
- seen by almost six stations, update period is minute -

SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array in time

VHF sources by time detected in real-time by SAETTA on a domain centralized on the island of Corsica.
- seen by almost six stations, update period is minute -

SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array in time
SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array in time with zoom

VHF sources by densities detected in real-time by SAETTA on a large domain centralized on the island of Corsica.
- seen by almost six stations, update period is minute -

SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array in time
SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array density

VHF sources by densities detected in real-time by SAETTA on a domain centralized on the island of Corsica.
- seen by almost six stations, update period is minute -

SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array in time
SAETTA Realtime Lightning mapping Array density with zoom

Avertissement : Le réseau SAETTA est un instrument de recherche : aucune garantie, expresse ou implicite, ne peut être donnée concernant les mesures diffusées. Le Laboratoire d’Aérologie et ses tutelles juridiques, l’Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier et le CNRS, se dégagent donc de toute responsabilité quant aux données ou interprétations qui pourraient en être faites. Les représentations graphiques restent protégées par le droit d’auteur notamment.
Disclaimer : The SAETTA network is a research instrument : no warranty, express or implied, shall be given regarding the published data. The Laboratoire d’Aérologie and its co-owners, the Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier and the CNRS, shall therefore not be liable nor responsible for the data or the linked interpretations that may be carried out. Among others, the graphical representations are however protected by copyright.
